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This discussion guide is for organizations working with men and boys that are addressing the prevention of violence against women and girls (VAWG) or are interested in beginning work in this area. The 11-page guide provides examples of approaches to developing gender-transformative messaging that organizations can refer to and utilise in their work.

In 2025 Male Allies Challenging Sexism (MACS) is calling on fellow boys and men across the globe to stop contributing to the sexual exploitation of women and girls, through our #RefuseTheBait campaign.

As we brace for the return of Donald Trump to the US presidency, many of us feel an unsettling déjà vu. The memory of policies, judicial appointments, and a political climate that emboldened racism, transphobia, book bans, and carceral violence hangs heavy. Across the globe, these patterns have sown division and deepened inequality.

This paper provides a critical assessment of efforts to involve men in the prevention of men’s violence against women. Although there is a substantial evidence base attesting to the effectiveness of at least some strategies and interventions, this field is also limited in important ways. Violence prevention efforts often have focused on changing men’s attitudes, rather than also seeking to transform structural and institutional inequalities.

There is a long history of pro-feminist men's activism in countries around the world. As part of this advocacy and education work, some groups and networks have produced newsletters and magazines. This XY collection is an archive of key English-language pro-feminist men's magazines.

XY itself began as a printed magazine, that I founded in 1990 and edited for seven years. You can read more about XY's history here.

This archive includes the following:

This short brief describes how rigid gender norms wreak havoc on all members of society and presents evidence indicating that the outcomes are better for everyone in societies with more flexible and adaptable gender norms. Seeing men as co-beneficiaries and stakeholders in the fight for gender and social equality, the document present a series of recommendations to engage men and boys as part of gender-transformative strategies.

Download the brief in PDF here.

How can boys and men be encouraged to respond critically to the anti-women ideologies of the manosphere, the network of websites, blogs, and online forums promoting sexism and opposition to feminism? This page highlights key resources for engaging men and boys.

Curricula, programs, and resources:

Based on a literature review and interviews with key stakeholders, this technical brief synthesizes current research into how masculinities and disabilities intersect in conflict and post-conflict settings. It outlines evidenced-based strategies for meaningful engagement with men and boys and sheds light on how to equip them with the skills they need to play a role in peaceful societies that are both gender- and disability-inclusive.

Download the technical brief here.

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Also in XY...

  • Articles - Over 200 articles on a wide variety of issues, sorted by author or date
  • Blog - Read the XY blogs
  • Write / Publish - How to contribute to XY.
  • Links - A comprehensive collection of over 600 online resources
  • The Men’s Bibliography - A comprehensive bibliography of writing on men, masculinities, gender and sexualities
  • What is XY? - Who we are, what we do
  • Image gallery - All the images on XY
  • Contact - Get in touch with XY
  • Donate - If you think XY is a good thing, send us some money!

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