Men building gender equality in the workplace

DCA, Men Make a Difference - Cover

How can men help to build gender equality at work? How can workplaces and organisations engage men in progress towards gender justice? Men in workplaces, whether senior male leaders or blue-collar men, can play important roles in fostering gender equality in workplaces and organisations.

In this XY collection, we bring together key reports, manuals, and other items of interest. The first section below includes key reports and guides. See in particular, Men Make a Difference: How to Engage Men on Gender Equality (Flood and Russell, 2017). Flood's book on engaging men in violence prevention (free here) also includes useful discussion on engaging men (Chapter 5), changing men's organisations (Chapter 9), and so on.

The second section below focuses on short articles, tipsheets, and commentaries. See e.g. my compilation on what men can do.

Efforts to build gender equality in workplaces and other organisations often meet resistance and backlash. Check out this excellent guide to responding to and preventing resistance and backlash, as well as other materials on the area.

Book-length guides for men on acting as allies and advocates for gender equality in workplaces including Ali’s Her Allies (2021), Ford, Koch and Armstrong’s The Accidental Sexist (2021), Gallagher’s How Men Can Help (2022), and Phelan’s Men Stepping Forward (2023).

Reports and guides:

News articles, blogs, commentaries, speeches, and tipsheets:

Note: If you are a male academic or in higher education, the following items may be of particular interest:

Also see:

While this collection focuses on paid work and workplaces, other materials in XY's "Resources" collections are relevant for work with men in general to build gender equality. This page provides a guide to XY's vast collection of materials on men's roles in gender justice. Further suggestions are most welcome.