
John Webb questions cultural norms in the physical activity of sport.

Circumcision is a violation of a boy's right to an intact body, and without medical or moral justification says John Shanahan.

Matt Stewart posits some strategies to address Australia's disturbing record in this area.

A right to good health? Men's health or men's rights? Ben Wadham talks about the focus on men's health rights in the emerging men's health discourse.

Issues of justice and accountability are central to the development of men's health policy and practice. Steve Golding puts men's health into context and calls for partnership with women's health, spelling out the key features for men's health policy.

Note that a PDF version of the article is available below.

Men's health problems are not to do with being powerless or being discriminated against. Murray Couch uses the Proudfoot case to show that the real problem in men's health is men's power and masculinity.

Please see below for the attachment, in PDF. First printed in XY, 3(1), Autumn 1993.

Breaking the barriers to desire: Polyamory, polyfidelity and non-monogamy - new approaches to multiple relationships

Edited by Kevin Lano and Claire Parry

Five Leaves Publications, 1995.

Move over Manhood, a new introductory reading about men, masculinity and the plethora of issues facing men has arrived.

Australian author Stephen Biddulph has written a best-selling book about men but Gerry Orkin believes that Manhood misses the mark.

Kim and Maarten discover the heroes in themselves and each other, over a cup of tea.