
This technical paper, produced by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), is designed as a reference tool to assist OSCE executive structures in increasing the engagement of men and boys in gender equality initiatives within the OSCE region. It invites reflection upon masculinities and the many positive roles that men and boys can and do provide to bridge continuing gender inequalities.

Regional Conference on Masculinities in the Arab World “Trajectories to Peace and Gender Equality” May 2-4, 2017, Beirut, Lebanon Organized by ABAAD, Promundo and UN Women (Arab RO) The objective of the conference is to bring together researchers, practitioners and policy-makers, including international bodies, to identify actionable strategies for engaging men and boys as allies in achieving gender equality and peace in the Arab world.

How can parents raise feminist sons? How, for example, can mothers and fathers encourage their sons to grow up to respect girls and women? Here are some recent and accessible discussions of raising boys:

Also see the bibiography of works here: And these online pieces:

Donald Trump's election to the US presidency, and his behaviour before and after, have prompted considerable discussion about masculinity, gender, and violence against women. Here, we have collected some valuable examples of this commentary.

Homer, a new website that seeks to shine a light on masculinities, confuse ideas of what it means to be a man and add depth to what role models for men look like, is seeking submissions. Homer invites and encourages writing from women, LGBTIQA writers and writers of all races and CALD backgrounds, but it won’t go far to destigmatising male vulnerability et al. without the public complicity of men. Homer is about men going public with this conversation, in concert with everyone else.
Call for papers: Interdisciplinary Conference at the University of Landau (Germany), 1st to 3rd December 2017 This conference is the latest in a series dedicated toward the topic of political masculinities having first taken place in 2012. It focusses on the theme of “Political Masculinities and Populism”. We anticipate that the series will continue with a conference hosted by the University of Greenwich, London, in 2018.

Call for Papers Edited Volume: The Flourishing of New Men: Ecomasculinities in North America (provisional title)

Editor: Rubén Cenamor