Work With Men to End Violence Against Women: Critical assessment and future directions (2014)

It is time for a critical stocktake of efforts to involve men in the prevention of violence against women. In particular, it is time to assess a series of assumptions about this work which are influential and yet which are unsupported by evidence or dangerous. In this presentation from the recent 2nd MenEngage Second Global Symposium 2014: Men and Boys for Gender Justice (Delhi, 10-13 November), Michael Flood offers a critical assessment of the 'engaging men' field.

Please see below for the full text of Michael's presentation, in Word, and the slides which accompanied his presentation.

Note that Michael also gave this talk at the following Australian conference: Asia-Pacific conference on Gendered Violence and Violations, University of New South Wales, Sydney, 10-12 February 2015.

In addition, Michael has since published a version of this as a journal article, and this is available here:…