Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are often seen as the domain of women and girls’ health and well-being. Men and boys are considered important in SRHR, but mainly as partners, gatekeepers and policymakers. This paper argues that men and boys have their own sexual and reproductive health issues and concerns. Addressing men’s concerns benefits not only themselves, but the rippling effect through their partners and communities allows the achievement of SRHR for all.
This review was commissioned by Share-Net Netherlands, a knowledge platform on SRHR/HIV. Its members consist of policy makers, NGO practitioners, researchers, service providers, students and other SRHR professionals. The Community of Practice ‘Engaging men and boys’ commissioned a literature review exploring SRHR policies and services targeting men and boys.
You can read and download the full position paper here.
This report was launched in February 2022, and slides and recordings from the webinar can be found here.
Also see other materials on XY on men's and boys' sexual and reproductive health here.