Blogs by author

Blog entries by Michael Flood

For more than two decades, Emiliano Diaz de Leon ( has been engaging Latinx
men around the USA in conversations about what we can do to model healthy non-violent relationships with the boys and men in our lives.
"I want to take what I have learned from both my personal experiences and my violence prevention work with Latinx men and share it in the form of a FREE e-book.
"I need your help to self-publish this e-book in English and Spanish about

Jordan Peterson is a Canadian academic who has recently and rapidly risen to prominence as a spokesperson for various right-wing and conservative views on gender, intellectual life, and social issues. Here, we have collected together some critical commentary on his work. Additions are most welcome.

Manifesto, Men for a New Masculinity – HONMA, launched in Nicaragua, International Women’s Day 2018

The German profeminist magazine Männerrundbrief was published over 1993-2002. All 18 back issues now are available online, here.

#MeToo took off in late 2017 as a campaign, particularly on social media, about the widespread prevalence of men's sexual assault and harassment of women, especially in the workplace. There are a range of valuable feminist commentaries on the campaign and the wider issues. Some of these are listed below.

Friends and colleagues, here are some of the articles I've been tweeting about. Feel most welcome to follow me, at @MichaelGLFlood. And do feel welcome to check out my:

Regards, Michael.

How can men flirt with or approach women on the street to whom they are attracted while minimising the chance that this will be intrusive, creepy, or threatening?


Pick-up artist culture:
My colleague Kenton Bell compiled these two useful lists, one on 'Critical Responses to Emma Watson speech to the UN' and the other on 'Additional pop-cultural readings asking and answering the question: Can Men be Feminists?'. Critical Responses to Emma Watson speech to the UN. • “The Most Important Words in Emma Watson's Speech Were About Masculinity” by Nicki Cole o… • “Emma Watson Speech Hardly a Game-changer” by Clementine Ford
Anyone who works with young people and is looking for a resource to tackle the vexed question of pornography and its often negative effects would find the ‘It’s time we talked’ website extremely useful.