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Blog entries by Bill Patrick

The other day it happened again.  I got “male bonded” with.  I met another man who works in my field – a line of work that has more women in it than it does men.  This guy took one look at me and was instantly very happy to meet me.
Today is Mother’s Day. And how did Time magazine choose to mark the occasion? By putting out an issue this week on “attachment parenting” that featured on the cover the picture of a nearly four year-old boy standing on a chair and nursing on his mother’s breast. The picture proved incredibly controversial.
I am a straight guy who likes “chick flicks.” According to the media, I don’t exist.

The media sucks.

Dear Mr. Patriarch:  Just what, exactly, did you accomplish with your life?

The seasons always bring change.  And this season I know of two very patriarchal men who are quickly approaching the end of their careers. 

Perhaps, as they prepare to bring their working lives to a close, these two men are taking a moment to reflect upon their experiences. 

Perhaps not. 

Unfortunately, exactly when an act of sexualized aggression becomes rape remains a matter of some controversy. And our sense of what qualifies as consent needs a lot of clarification as well.

The International Volleyball Federation has decided that for the London Olympics female beach volleyball players will no longer be required to wear bikinis. (See article here:

I think that’s a good thing.

There are no set guidelines for just how we should react emotionally when a man kills his wife. And that’s appropriate, because some acts are just so heinous that they defy any canned response. When a man does something so vicious and so evil as murdering his partner, we who survive are left to pick up the pieces and make sense of the horror as best we can.

I recently had another birthday roll around. But getting older really doesn't bother me. Having lost several friends way too soon, I have come to realize that getting older sure beats the alternative of not getting older!

Is Masturbation a Sport? Thoughts on the continuing inanity of the Sports Illustrated “Swimsuit Issue.”

Splashed across the cover of this year’s Sports Illustrated “Swimsuit Issue” is the picture of a 19 year-old woman in a barely-there bikini.