Blogs by author

Blog entries by Bill Patrick

Trigger Warning:  discussion of physical and sexual violence against women and children]

Trigger Warning:  discussion of physical and sexual violence against women and children]

The other day I received a comment on my blog asking me if I truly support feminism, or am I just someone who likes to attack men:
When was the last time you read a book that you could not put down? 

(Because you will not be able to put this book down.)

Last week the media picked up on a story about a female political activist in the west African country of Togo who was calling for women there to stage a “sex strike” until the government agrees to release several political activists who were arrested during recent protests.

The other day I listened to a radio documentary that featured an adult man who, as a 14 year-old boy, had gotten his teenage girlfriend pregnant. She subsequently gave birth to twins who were then adopted out, and he lost all contact with them. One of the themes that the producers of the show wanted to explore was the painful road that many teenage fathers must travel.

Want to ensure that your child never encounters a pedophile?

My partner and I recently bought a house that is over 120 years old. Among the “joys” of getting a home that age included the need (according to the insurance company) to have the whole place rewired top to bottom. While I am pretty handy, there is a fair amount of home renov
In the aftermath of the horrific mass shootings in the movie theater in Colorado and in the Sikh temple in Wisconsin, there have been a lot of calls in the United States to further limit access to guns. What there has been little discussion about, however, is the need to also change the way that we raise boys.
My partner and I have a cottage that sits on a lake about 60 miles outside of town.  We love to spend time there with our little one.  But once a year we lend the cottage to members of a local feminist collective that works to end rape and to provide supportive services to survivors of sexual assault.  The organization holds an annual retreat out at the lake house.