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Blog entries by Bill Patrick

The other day I was doing a rather unpleasant home remodeling project. Tired of the heat, tired of the noise, and tired of the dust, I burst out of my front door, out into the fresh air, out into the bright sunshine.

This past year has seen the emergence of some extremely popular sexual material aimed directly at heterosexual women consumers.And the stuff has spread like wildfire.I am referring here of course to the best-selling“s&m lite” book (and soon to be film) Fifty Shades of Grey and to the immensely-successful movie about male strippers, “Magic Mike.”

This past week the internet has been ablaze about “comedian” Daniel Tosh’s reaction to having been called out while on stage by a female audience member who was offended by his repeated claims that rape “jokes” are funny.

She called out:

“Actually, rape jokes are never funny!”

And what was Daniel Tosh’s response?

I can think of few things that I dread more than a trip to the dentist. When I was a child, my family butcher – er, I mean dentist – didn’t much believe in Novocain. His drill + lack of painkiller = agony. Even to this day the idea of a trip to the dentist fills me with dread.

[Possible trigger warning: discussion of rape and murder of women.]

The other day I was walking through a shopping mall and overheard a male security guard talking to a female store manager.  The two clearly knew each other.


Father’s Day is again upon us. (For most of the world, that is. For most of us, Father’s Day occurs on the third Sunday in June.

I was recently in another city for work, so I stopped in at a souvenir shop to pick up a few things for loved ones back home. The store had a lot of fun stuff. But then I noticed that they had a lot of stuff that was not fun. There were a number of things that were kind of (or even
The other day the Canadian Broadcasting Company aired a radio program on female athletes who are preparing for this summer’s Olympic Games in London.  One of the women, a cyclist, spoke about how the men she sometimes trains with react badly when she beats them in a race.  They become embarrassed.  They feel humiliated.  And they even have a term for it.  When a woman beats them, they call it “getting chicked.” 

Sometimes when I am doing mundane things around the house, I like to turn on the television to watch programs that feature other people who are also doing that are pretty mundane.  Things like slowly driving trucks on Canada’s “ice roads.”  Like picking through other people’s garages and basements looking for antiques.  Like running a pawn shop in Las Vegas.  Like selling cars.