Call for Papers: Book Project: Since Kimmel

CfP: Since Kimmel This collection of essays seeks to imagine critical studies of men and masculinities since Kimmel. What does it mean to study men and masculinities after Kimmel? Since, of course, is a complex word that speaks as much to moving beyond Kimmel, as it does to speaking in the shadow of Kimmel. How do we imagine men’s studies and its future after Kimmel? This project invites papers that work to theorize and think carefully about masculinity studies and men’s studies, especially in light of Kimmel’s work – in its entirety or simply parts of it. The goal is to imagine new directions in the study of masculinity, and also, to critique and engage with Kimmel’s work. Has Kimmel’s work, for instance, aged well? Do we still contend see “masculinity as homophobia” (1994), and if not how have things changed? We can think here of the work of Anderson’s “inclusive masculinities” (2009) as a critique of Kimmel’s thesis. Please send abstracts of proposed papers to Abstracts should be about 500 words in length and include a proposed bibliography. Abstracts are due by January 1st, 2015. The editors will contact accepted proposals by the end of January. Full papers (5.000-7.000 words) will be due: July 15th, 2015. For more information and the full call for papers, see: