Changing Contexts: A Framework for Engaging Male-Oriented Settings in Gender Equality and Violence Prevention – Practitioners’ Guide was developed by Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence (Canada). It involves non-programmatic approaches to engaging men to enhance gender equality and prevent violence against women. The approach is intended to work effectively “in the middle space between program-based interventions and policy-based approaches”.
The 'Changing Contexts' approach was designed in partnership with the Engaging Men Learning Collaborative (2017-2020). The ‘Changing Contexts” approach complements current ‘changing minds’ approaches (e.g., psychoeducational) to engaging men in gender equality and violence prevention by highlighting ways that contextual changes can be used to influence behaviour, including changes to social norms, organizational design, sociocultural and physical design. This practitioners’ guide outlines ways that human service professionals can collaborate with constituents of male-oriented settings to change the contextual dynamics within those settings so that the culture, norms, processes, and physical design of those environments cue more prosocial, gender-equitable behaviours.
Citation: Dozois, E., & Wells, L. (2020). Changing contexts: A framework for engaging male-oriented settings in gender equality and violence prevention – Practitioners’ guide. Calgary, AB: The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.