I hate pornography. I hate what pornography does to women, what it does to men, what it says to men to do to women and other men.
In spite of my current convictions about pornography, I have not always felt this way. For much of my life I supported and actively used pornography. This essay examines my process from pro-pornography consumer to antipornography activist. As a bisexual man, I’ve consumed—and have since become critical of—both heterosexual and gay male pornography. As I’ll explain, my experiences indicate how both are similar forms of men’s sexist violence. Through the lens of my experience as a pornography consumer, I will look at what pornography says to and about men, and in particular what pornography says to men about what to do to women and other men. Finally, I will offer some observations on organizing men to become more actively involved in efforts against pornography, prostitution and other forms of men’s sexist violence.
... For the rest of this chapter, the entire chapter, please see below, in PDF.
Funk, Rus. (2004). What Does Pornography Say About Me(n)? How I Became an Anti-Pornography Activist. In Christine Stark and Rebecca Whisnant, (eds.). Not For Sale: Feminists Resisting Pornography & Prostitution. Melbourne: Spinifex Press.