Shift, a violence prevention project at the University of Calgary, has released “Supporting Best Practices: Guidelines for Funding Programs That Engage and Mobilize Men & Boys in Violence Prevention”. Although these guidelines were written for Alberta, Canada, they have a wider relevance in guiding funding and support for efforts to engage men and boys in violence prevention.
Shift has worked closely with the staff at Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters (ACWS) and the Government of Alberta to create a practical set of guidelines to support funders and policy makers that are investing in programs that engage and mobilize men and boys in preventing violence against women and advancing gender justice. The purpose of these guidelines is to inform funding decisions and to help advance effective practices in engaging and mobilizing men and boys in violence prevention. We all agree that men and boys are important leaders, allies, stakeholders and co-beneficiaries in stopping male violence against women and any effort to reduce violence against women and girls must therefore endeavour to tackle gender inequality and transform patriarchal structures that perpetuate its root causes.
Please follow the link to access the guidelines and feel free to share it with others https://preventdomesticviolence.ca/supporting-best-practices-guidelines-for-funding-programs-that-engage-and-mobilize-men-boys-in-violence-prevention/.
Citation: Wells, L., Flood, M., Boutilier, S., Goulet, S., & Dozois, E. (2020). Supporting Best Practices: Guidelines For Funding Programs that Engage and Mobilize Men and Boys in Violence Prevention. Alberta, Canada: Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence and Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters.