REDMAS (Red de Masculinidad por la Igualdad de Género) is a network based in Nicaragua which is composed of 19 Nicaraguan organisations working on gender and masculinities and which aims to build knowledge on related theories and methodologies by creating spaces where its members can share experiences and reflections. The objective of this manual is to document lessons learnt by the network on experiences, methodologies and planning that can contribute to strengthening future work both with all-male and mixed groups, particularly focusing on children, adolescents and youth. Lessons learnt on the use of different approaches - which may focus on gender, age, universal human rights and sustainable human development, for example - are documented. It is also recommended that some key themes are tackled in any awareness-raising training on masculinities, including the sexual division of labour, violence, power, male sexualities, and responsible fatherhood. Experiences of using different types of methodological approaches, particularly popular education, experiential learning or a combination of the two, are also documented.
The manual was published in September 2008.
Some activities to complement the work of the training sessions are recommended, including:
- Promoting and supporting the creation of community groups for children and young people - that can act as support networks;
- Promoting the participation of children and young people in local and national decision-making spaces so that they can promote a perspective on masculinities that is not based on power and control;
- Strengthening support networks composed of parents, teachers and friends that show interest in the awareness-raising and change processes promoted by masculinity training.
Title in original language: Promoviendo procesos de sensibilización y capacitación en genero y masculinidad con niñez, adolescencia y juventud.
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