The purpose of this paper is to provide practical guidance to policymakers and program managers on how to engage men and address harmful male norms in seven key areas of intervention in relation to HIV/AIDS: 1 Social and Behaviour Change in Men; 2 Violence against women; 3 Men, Sex Work and Transactional Sex; 4 Men, Substance abuse and HIV/AIDS; 5 Male Circumcision; 6 Men, VCT and Treatment; 7 Male Norms and the Caregiving for People Living with and Affected by HIV/AIDS.
The paper provides a brief overview of the issues related to masculinities in each of the above areas and then provides recommended “strategies for action” based on promising practices of engaging men and boys for gender equality and for men’s own gender-related vulnerabilities related to HIV in HIV prevention, care, treatment and support. Most of this paper focuses on policies and programs addressing masculinities in the context of heterosexual relations, but it also discusses important findings and recommendations in relation to MSM and transgender individuals where relevant and available.
The paper closes with final cross- cutting strategies for action as well as recommendations for policy and programs on engaging men and boys in addressing the gender dimensions of HIV. An annex (APPENDIX 1) includes a list of related tools and resources that may be useful for policymakers and program managers.