Center for Health and Social Justice (CHSJ), the co-chair of MenEngage Alliance and the host of the 2nd MenEngage Global Symposium in Delhi in November 2014, have produced a series of Knowledge Product and Resources based on the presentations and discourses at the Symposium. They can be accessed at http://www.menengagedilli2014.net/knowledge-products-link-page.html. Many of these knowledge products are in multiple languages, including English, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
In addition, CHSJ has produced videos from almost all of the sessions from the Symposium, which can be accessed at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYD6IU1JHs37v9MyGhQUsNA
CHSJ and MenEngage Alliance would encourage you all to use these resources as much as they are relevant to your work and interest. We would be more than happy to hear (and work with you) should there be an interest to translate any of these knowledge products in your local languages.
For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact MenEngage Alliance at info(at)menengage.org or CHSJ at chsj(at)chsj.org
Delhi Declaration and Call to Action (2014) (Albanian Arabic English Español French Hindi Português Russian Serbian Sinhala SiSwati Tamil Turkish)
Lays out MenEngage Alliance’s political vision, approach and discourse for a gender-transformative agenda to the works on engaging boys and men in gender equality, as well as sets the accountability standard to women’s rights activists, organizations and movements.
State of the Men for Gender Equality Field: Homework for Men (2015)
Comprises an overview by eminent speakers from around the world on where we are on the road to engaging men in driving gender equality. The session laid the course for the symposium held in New Delhi from November 10-13, 2014 with 1,200 participants from 95 countries
Changing Landscape on Men and Masculinities (2015) Hindi only
Compilation of Stories of Change, in Hindi language, around the changing landscape of notions around Men and Masculinities based on the presentations and stories compiled during the 2nd MenEngage Global Symposium.
This is a series on “challenging masculinities and creating alternate realities” with collection of the synthesis of interventions and researches those were presented, discussed and shared during the 2nd MenEngage Global Symposium in New Delhi, 2104.
Dimensions of Change: Stories and Interviews from the 2nd MenEngage Global Symposium 2014 (2015) Picking up threads from the numerous discussions, opinions and experiences woven at the event by renowned experts as well as other deeply involved participants, this compilation of specially commissioned stories and interviews are snapshots of the current gender issues of the day that impact our daily lives everywhere around the world and need to be known by all.
Twenty Years Since Cairo and Beijing: To What Extend have Men and Boys Been Engaged? (2016)
Explores the possibilities of building upon current achievements of involving boys and men in gender equality works, in the backdrop of 20 years since the ICPD 1994 and Fifth World Conference on Women in Beijing 1995.
Masculinities and Gender Justice: Is there a Role for Development Sector? (2016)
Explores the efficacy of the development sector – or the lack of it - in attuning gender justice as a value in the society and highlighted its ability to bring about new values of human justice in society around which gender issues crystalize.
Masculinities: Coping with Changes (2016)
Examines the intersection of the changing roles of boys and men in family and society in a new socio-economic paradigm regarding men’s self concept as well as relationship with women and other men and their actions. Presents not only the challenges but also identifies ways in which men are creatively coping with these changes and lessons one can draw for their work.
Masculinities and Making of Peace and Violence (2016)
Reflects upon new horizons and possible solutions related to masculinities’ intersection with violent conflict, militarization and peace building, including possible short and long term strategies to engage men for peace-building, demilitarizing masculine identities and strategizing on how embrace non-violent masculinities.
Assessed the impact of globalization and social movements on gender justice and aims to create a framework for sound social movements that engage with men and set up women as front runners in economic and social progress.
Masculinities, Crime and Justice (2016)
Sifts out the factors that trigger men’s use of violence (focused on homicide, sexual violence and rape) while highlighting effective prevention mechanisms and foreground the need for immediate attention to end sexual violence.
Youth Perspectives on Work with Boys and Men (2016)
Explores importance to ensure young people lead efforts to transform gender norms and challenge patriarchy and laid out the argument that the potential to change gender norms depends greatly on the ability of interventions to reach young people in their settings.
Beyond the Gender Binary (2015)
Examines new areas for investigation and understanding beyond the male-female dichotomy and seeing how gender work and conceptualization of gender outside the binary can interrogate masculinity and feminism.
Understanding and Responding to Gendered Roots of Violence (2016)
Explores around strategies and promising practices to end violence by moving beyond the separation or division of the field of violence prevention. The session also witnessed presentations on key research on the drivers of men's use of violence against women including rape and against other men.
Globalization and Gender Injustice (2016)
Explores key features of the current global political economy and its regional, national and local manifestations. The session also explored how these are reshaping gender orders and creating different forms and intensities of gender injustice.
Masculinities and Media: Tracking the Stereotypes (2015)
Explores ways to raise issues and construct the media to engage men, and looks at the ways the media constructs audiences, narratives and themes.
Fatherhood and Caregiving (2015)
Looks at research, policy approaches, activism and corporate reforms that seek to enhance caregiving among men and boys, helping them evolve into caring fathers and partners in parenthood.
Masculinities and Culture (2015)
Looks at how changing nature of the environment, urbanization, evolving family norms, laws, work and work culture, and faith-based organization, are altering masculinities.
Masculinities and Gender Justice: Role of India’s Public and Private Sectors (2015)
Examines the need to understand masculinities and inclusion of interventions to address men within different aspects of public and private action and policy making.
· Men and sexual and Reproductive Health Rights
· Working With Men for Gender Equality: A Dialogue Amongst Different Social movements
· Legal Invisibility of Other Dalits