How men can respond to #MeToo: New report by White Ribbon New Zealand

White Ribbon NZ, How White Ribbon New Zealand can align with the MeToo movement 2018 - Cover

Relevant to everyone interested in preventing men’s violence against women, a report about how men can align with the #MeToo movement is freely available.

Written for White Ribbon New Zealand, this recent report provides understanding of:

  • the development of the #MeToo movement,
  • terms like ‘rape culture’ and ‘toxic masculinity’ which have become more common,
  • different responses to #MeToo, including from violence prevention campaigns,
  • the movement’s impact, including on the current prevention environment, and
  • men’s awareness and responses to #MeToo.

The report focuses on #MeToo's calls on men to: transform their masculine identities and behaviour; and to listen to and believe women; reflect on their own behaviour; and to disrupt other men. This is discussed in detail. These positive actions can be incorporated into any prevention work. 

The report argues that the next development of #MeToo is for violence prevention campaigns to build on the heightened public awareness to do more to promote the behaviour #MeToo has called for, especially for men. Useful direction is offered.

Please download the report from

The report was written by Garth Baker ( with helpful feedback by Dr Michael Flood ( ).

While this report frames up White Ribbon NZ’s 2018 campaign, it also explains how White Ribbon’s Respectful Relationships campaign already aligns with #MeToo.

There will be more about White Ribbon’s next campaign in November 2018 at, where the current respectful relationships resources and messages are available now.