CFP: Queer and non-normative masculinities

Writing from Below calls for submissions for a special themed issue on queer and non-normative masculinities - the diversity of masculinities, the disruption of traditional hegemonic heterosexual masculinity, the masculine written and rewritten from below.

Writing from Below is a peer-reviewed open-access interdisciplinary gender, sexuality and diversity studies journal, published by La Trobe University (Melbourne, Australia). We provide a forum for new research on gender and sexuality and the array of intersecting issues that shape their social expression. We invite submissions from as broad a range of disciplines as possible, in any publishable medium, and work that cannot be easily placed elsewhere. We welcome both traditional academic research as well as less conventional creative forms of research, and all things between, and specifically encourage scholarly experimentation. The journal provides a particular venue for the work of postgraduate students and early career researchers.

We seek critical and creative works in any publishable format or medium on any aspect of masculinity and/or its critique in art, society and culture. Do not be limited. Be brave. Play with form, style, and genre. We welcome submissions from across (and outside of, against and up against) the disciplinary spectrum.

Topics might include (but should not be limited to):

  •     Representations of men and masculinity in popular culture (literature, cinema, television, media, gaming, music, sound art, theatre and drama, visual and plastic arts, etc.);
  •     Masculinity and/as performance, embodiment, machismo;
  •     The history of the concept of masculinity, in any period or place;
  •     Masculinity, sexuality and sexual difference/dissidence, masculinity and pornography;
  •     Male intimacy, and non-violent male-to-male physical contact;
  •     Gay male culture, butch lesbian culture, or any variations thereof;
  •     Chauvinism, sexism, homophobia and misogyny in heterosexual or homosexual male cultures;
  •     Women in masculine/male-dominated cultures;
  •     Masculinity, nationalism and transnationalism, postcolonial studies and critical race studies;
  •     Masculinity and disability studies;
  •     Masculine architectures, urban design and public spaces, or cultural and human geographies;
  •     Perceptions of masculinity and its impact on men's public health and/or mental health outcomes;
  •     Masculinity and education, masculinity in childhood, adolescence and youth;
  •     Masculinity and the law, male-male and male-female violence, criminology, or incarceration;
  •     Masculinity and public policy, men and masculinity in politics, business, commerce, and industry;
  •     Masculinity in academia, or male-dominated disciplines and the issue of inclusivity; and
  •     The specific place of masculinity in the disciplines of gender, sexuality and diversity studies.

We are open for submissions until 31 October 2015. Written submissions, whether critical or creative, should be between 3,000 and 8,000 words in length, and should adhere to the 16th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. All submissions - critical, creative, and those falling in between; no matter the format or medium - will be subject to a double-blind peer review.

For more information, for editorial enquiries, or questions about unusual submissions, please contact our managing editors:

    Stephen Abblitt:
    Karina Quinn: