This report informs Alberta’s next and exciting chapter of expanding work with men and boys to end violence and advance gender equality. It was written to support the Alberta Primary Prevention Framework Collaborative by providing clear and actionable strategies for Alberta’s anti-violence sector as well as the Government of Alberta.
We have organized the information into three evidence-informed sections.
The first section is the case for engaging men and boys along with foundational theories and approaches to help readers orient themselves in this work.
The second section is directed towards the Government of Alberta, to whom we propose a much-needed provincial plan for investing in working with men and boys for a violence-free and gender-equitable Alberta. The provincial plan details how to support and advance this work in communities, organizations, and across Alberta, along with policy and legislative reforms needed to create the social conditions to enable more men and boys to prevent violence and advance gender equality.
The final section is geared towards leaders and practitioners. Here, we clearly state what we aim to achieve through this work by articulating the specific change outcomes we seek and the behaviours that gender equitable, nonviolent men demonstrate. This is followed by concrete strategies, skills, and approaches for targeting men and boys, and the settings in which they live, learn, work, socialize, play, and worship to support and reinforce prosocial behaviours.
Download the report in PDF here.
Citation: Wells, L., Pascoe, L., & Litviniuc, A. (2023). Building a movement of men and boys committed to violence prevention and gender equality in Alberta: Informing the Alberta primary prevention framework collaborative. Calgary, AB: The University of Calgary, Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence.