
This report informs Alberta’s next and exciting chapter of expanding work with men and boys to end violence and advance gender equality. It was written to support the Alberta Primary Prevention Framework Collaborative by providing clear and actionable strategies for Alberta’s anti-violence sector as well as the Government of Alberta.

We have organized the information into three evidence-informed sections.

The first section is the case for engaging men and boys along with foundational theories and approaches to help readers orient themselves in this work.

A new report entitled, ‘A More Generous Embrace’ from the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), GenCap and NORCAP explores how, when men are affected by armed violence, women and girls are also indirectly or directly victimized.

The Working with Men and Boys for Social Justice Assessment Tool is a new tool for assessing community programs for men and boys. It aims to provide leaders, designers and facilitators of programs or initiatives for men and boys the opportunity to review, reflect on and strengthen principles of gender and social justice. The Tool comprises key aspects that support positive social change in programs designed for men and boys.

One increasingly visible expression of alternative masculinities around the globe is men’s involvement in efforts to prevent men’s violence against women. Men who take part in such efforts, for example, as activists or educators, take up projects of personal change as well as wider social change. They seek to be “the change they wish to see in the world,” working to undermine their own gender privilege and to act in gender-equitable and nonviolent ways. This chapter focuses on such men.

Fathers have a vital role to play in preventing and reducing men’s violence against women and in building a non-violent future. Fathers can have a profound and positive impact on children, mothers, families, other fathers, and the wider community.

There are of course a wide range of ways in which men can contribute to ending violence against women, and a wide range of ways men can improve their own fathering. But here I focus on what fathers can do, as fathers, to prevent domestic and sexual violence.

This book explores men's attraction to violent extremist movements and terrorism. (Download it free here.)

There are various efforts to lessen and prevent the demand for prostitution / sex work or for other forms of commercial sex. Men are the vast majority of prostitution clients world-wide, and major actors in the organisation and management of prostitution.

XY includes materials focused on efforts to 'end demand', whether the demand for prostitution / sex work or for other forms of commercial sex. See e.g.

University colleges have a vital role to play in building cultures of respect and safety on campus. What are the risk factors for sexual violence and harassment in colleges – the factors that make perpetration and victimisation more likely? Why are some colleges safer than others? What strategies are effective in preventing and reducing violence and abuse among students? How can we foster positive cultures in colleges, and how do these fit within a whole-of-institution approach to prevention?

Dr Jane Meyrick summarises part of her new sexual violence ‘explainer’ book #MeToo for Women and Men (click through blue highlighted hyperlinks to access source documents)

WTWM infographic - Project strategy , WTWM infographic - Project impact , HealthWest Partnership Victoria, Working Together with Men 2020 - Cover

Working Together with Men is an innovative violence prevention project based on community engagement and mobilisation. The project aims to contribute to the prevention of violence against women by engaging men to develop and implement primary prevention strategies in their local communities.