Blogs by author

Blog entries by Bill Patrick

The city where I live just bought out the only local strip joint and shut it down. And I have to say, I sure won’t miss the place!

I hate strip joints!

The other day as I picked up my daughter from daycare I heard a young boy (who was probably around four years old) calling out to another young boy across the parking lot.


I sometimes find it rather entertaining when the social networking site Facebook takes it upon itself to suggest a new “friend” to me. A lot of these folks turn out to be people from my past. I am thrilled by the idea of reconnecting with many them. About others I feel more ambivalent – but I do find myself kind of curious to find out what they have been up to. But some of the people whom Facebook lo


I have just completed a course in physical geography in which one of the assignments was to explore a geographic phenomenon. The professor encouraged us to pursue these explorations in creative ways.

I think it is safe to say that most Canadians love hockey. But after recent events in Vancouver, it also seems clear that the citizens of “the True North, Strong and Free” much prefer the violence to occur down on the ice, and become very uncomfortable when it spills out onto the streets, as it did the other day after the Canucks lost the Stanley Cup in game seven to the Boston Bruins. Ever since the Canuck loss (and the subsequent street-level melee), the Canadian airwaves a

Let me begin by saying that I love love love love love the music of Bruce Springsteen and E Street Band. I own every album. I know the words to pretty much every song. Even the words to the obscure but haunting “County Fair.” So yeah, I’m that much of a fan.

Abortion is not an easy topic to discuss. Good people can hold very deep and yet totally opposite convictions about this issue. But I believe that no matter what we men feel about abortion, our voices on the issue of women’s reproductive choice should sound a lot like this:

Maybe our desire to blame women for everything that goes wrong goes all the way back to the beginning. To Genesis, 3:12, when God got mad at Adam for having eaten the fruit from the tree of knowledge. What did Adam do? As the old feminist saying goes: “The first chance he got, Adam blamed a woman.”

(Special thanks to Madeline McDaniel for inviting me to see a talk by Todd Minerson, Executive Director of the White Ribbon Campaign. And to the YMCA of Fredericton and the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation for bringing him to town.)

(Since these are powerful guys I am writing about, let’s get the legal stuff out of the way: the now ex-head of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, is currently facing charges for sexual assault in New York City, but these charges have not been proven in a court of law. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton settled the sexual harassment lawsuit brought against him by Paula Jones out of court, but he was not found guilty of harassment in a court of law. And the sexual harassment allegations made against U.S.