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Blog entries by Bill Patrick

Even though I do not currently live in the USA, I am paying relatively close attention to the political conversations that are occurring there. After all, what happens in the USA deeply affects the rest of the world, even though some people who live there seem relatively oblivious to this fact.

"Thoughts on mail-order brides, sexual slavery, and other forms of female exploitation: Can love ever exist when one side holds all the power?"

Okay guys, as most straight women can tell you, there is a whole lot of bad sex going on out there.

And that’s just a shame.

And it needs to change.

This past summer saw the painful local trial of a man who was accused of kidnapping a woman from a shopping center and holding her captive in his boardinghouse for 26 days. During that time he sexually assaulted her repeatedly. Finally, on a cold winter day, wearing only a shirt, she bolted outside and was able to flag down a passing delivery van and escape to safety.<

"Some of my best friends are gay! In fact most of them are! (What we straight guys can learn from our gay brothers about friendship.)"

I have a cottage on a lake about an hour outside of town. I go there to escape the noise, the heat, the bustle of the city. It is on a northern lake, and in the mornings and evenings the whole area echoes with the peaceful calls of loons. On warm days I can watch bald eagles and osprey soar on the breeze as they scan the water looking for their next meal. In the afternoon the wind often comes up, and at night

The August 8 North American issue of Time magazine has a cover story that proclaims: “CHORE WARS: Let it go. Make peace. Men and women, it turns out, work the same amount.” The article begins with a question: “Men are pulling their weight – at work and at home. So why do women still think the

From my position as a man who supports women’s rights (which to my mind includes the right to live in a world that is free from violence, free from battering, free from sexual harassment, free from exploitation, free from the trafficking of girls and of women, free from rape, free from fear), it seems absolutely clear to me that the women who work to support the survivors of men’s violence do wonderful work! And despite their amazing efforts and remarkable achievements, these women often receive not praise but only derision for the

I write this blog to bring attention to issues of gender violence and gender justice. And it would seem that the recent horror in Norway would be an interesting issue to address using a gendered analysis.

But I am not going to do that.