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Who is the greatest person in human history? Wrong! It’s his mother! by Bill Patrick


Some thoughts on mothers and Mother's Day...

Quick!  Name the greatest person in human history! 


Why do men play where women die? (Thoughts on recreational travel in misogynist regions.) by Bill Patrick
This spring there was a lot of press coverage of two high-profile assaults on female travelers who were brutalized at the hands of local men in the countries they were visiting.

In praise of sluts, whores, and other promiscuous women. by Bill Patrick
Okay, first, let’s get one thing settled:  just how much sex someone else is having is none of my damn business.  And in an ideal world, no one else would make it their business, either.  But this is not (yet) an ideal world.  This is a world where women who are sexually active -- or who are merely thought to be sexually active -- are still often harshly attacked, viciously criticized, demeaned, diminished, loathed.
Boys, girls, sexual assault, and sexual empowerment: Television interview with Bill Patrick by Bill Patrick
On Monday April 15 I was interviewed by CTV in Atlantic Canada about how to talk with our kids about issues of sexuality, sexual assault, and sexual empowerment.  Here is the link:
Porn is not real. And here’s proof. by Bill Patrick


[Warning: This post contains sexually explicit language.]

No, the girl is NOT “yours.” Men don’t own women. Period. by Bill Patrick
A couple of weeks ago – the day before International Women’s Day – Sarah Thomson, a newspaper publisher and former mayoral candidate for the city of Toronto, attended a celebrity-filled fundraising event, where she happened to encounter Rob Ford, her former political opponent, and the current (and controversial) mayor of that city. 
We all live in Steubenville. by Bill Patrick


[Trigger warning: stories of sexual assault.]